Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Write a Budget - The Best Way

Are you trying to set yourself up on a budget so that your financial life is easier for you to manage? Do you want to know where your money needs to go each month so that you can plan correctly and take care of all your expenses? There are a few different theories when it comes to how to write a budget, but there is only one way to make sure you are not surprised by expenses you do not think about. Here is the correct way to write your budget.

You need to start with all of your expenses. This means you need to get a list of everything from your utility bills, mortgage or rent, car payment, insurance, to your license fees, car registration, oil changes, Christmas spending, birthday spending, and everything else in between. Anything that you spend money on in a years time needs to be included in your budget. If you forget about the quarterly or annual expenses you will be surprised by them and it will throw your budget off.

Next, you need to weigh your expenses against your income. Break any expenses that are not monthly down into monthly expenses to make it easier to work with. Then, you need to add them all up and subtract them from your income. The amount you have left is what you are allowed for savings, entertainment, and other things that are not necessities for your survival.

How to Write a Budget - The Best Way

If you are not happy with the amount that is left over, then it is time to look at your expenses closely and figure out what you can live without. You might have cable television just so you can watch one show a week. Maybe that show is offered on the internet for free. Maybe you barely ever watch your television and that is an expense you can throw out. There are many other needless expenses that are usually in our budgets. Take a close look and eliminate anything that is not necessary for you.

Last, you need to figure out how much you are willing to waste on entertainment each month. This is your nights out, your movie rentals, and other things we do for enjoyment. There are many ways to make cuts here and still have a great time. You also need to figure out how much to save for general savings, vacations, emergencies, and other things you might be saving money for. This is how to write a budget the correct way and make sure you do not leave anything out.

How to Write a Budget - The Best Way
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